Friday, January 11, 2008

The road to a highly productive pressroom

There is a saying, "He who deliberates too long before taking a step, will spend his whole life on one leg." The reason we never get started on improving our pressrooms is because we focus on tomorrow instead of today. The only time over which you have any control is the present.
The idea of "we will begin working on it tomorrow" can be very seductive, but the promise it holds is often false. Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators, observed, "The greatest time wasted, is the time getting started."
Why do I mention this. The reason is simple. I have found that most plants are excited about improving their facilities and making more money. But when it comes to doing what needs to be done, they have many reason why wait until "tomorrow". I need to get production out. I have machines that are down. I don't have the time. To name but just a few.
The road to a highly productive pressroom begins with starting on making improvements today. This can be as simple as adding casters to a parts bin so that it can easily be moved. We would all like to see our processes fully automated and producing more quality parts in less time. But we have to start somewhere.
Stop looking down the road at the ultimate pressroom, and begin TODAY looking at what can be changed to affect your productivity. Ask your people what they think will help them do their jobs better. You will be surprised at what you learn.
If you begin making small changes, what you will find is over the days and months, little changes will lead to bigger changes which will ultimately get you to where you will want to be.
Never underestimate small beginnings. They will always lead to big endings.
So begin today by making changes. If you are not sure where to start, let us know and we will help point you in the right direction.